Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC

Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC is an affiliate company of Spring Oaks Capital LLC. Spring Oaks Capital LLC sells, assigns, or otherwise transfers debts to its affiliate Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC. The SPV entity is the one that files the lawsuit against consumers. Spring Oaks Capital buys debts from Upgrade Inc, Mariner, Prosper, Genesis, First National Bank of Omaha, and other lenders or debt buyers.
Spring Oaks Capital LLC is a fairly new debt buyer and was incorporated in Delaware in 2019. The co-founders of Spring Oaks Capital LLC are Andrew Blady and Jason Collins. Its initial principal place of business was listed as 14 Spring Oak Drive, Newton, PA 18940, which is a residential home. The residence listed at this address is a 3800+ square foot, 4 bed/5 bath home situated on a 95-acre plot of land with an estimated worth of approximately $1.5 million. I assume the name of the company came from the residential street name. The majority of its business operations take place in the Virginia area. It has a little over seventy employees (according to LinkedIn).
Spring Oaks Capital received a corona/PPP/bailout loan (forgiven) in 2020 in the amount of $268,500 and reported at the time that it had 21 employees.
Spring Oaks Capital LLC
1400 Crossways Blvd Ste 100B
Chesapeake, VA, 23320-0207
(866) 281-3065
Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC Lawsuits in Georgia
At the time of this writing, Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC files lawsuits against consumers in Georgia through the Florida debt collection law firm Andreu Palma Lavin & Solis PLLC. During the period between April 25, 2022 and February 24, 2023, Spring Oaks Capital SPV LLC filed approximately 283 lawsuits against consumers in Georgia in the State and Superior Courts of Georgia. (Not all 159 counties in Georgia participate in an electronic case database so this is not a complete number).
Are you being sued by Spring Oaks Capital?
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