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Being Sued by a Debt Collector

Sandt Law LLC > Being Sued by a Debt Collector

Debt collector NetCredit Lending Club Lawsuits for personal loans

Barrow County Courthouse Winder Georgia

Are you being sued by a debt collector or debt buyer for a personal loan once associated with Prosper Funding, LendingClub, WebBank, NetCredit, Upgrade Inc, or Avant? Many debt buyers purchase charged-off loans from Prosper Funding, LendingClub, WebBank, NetCredit, and their related entities for pennies on the dollar and then file a lawsuit against you for the entire balance. Debt buyers who have sued on these types of cases in Georgia include Velocity Investments, Absolute Resolution Investments, LVNV Funding, LLC, Galaxy International Purchasing, CreditCorp Solutions, Jefferson Capital, UHG, Spring Oaks Capital and others! In Georgia, contracts, such...

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Getting Served with a Debt Collection Lawsuit

Jackson County Courthouse Jefferson Georgia

If a debt collection lawsuit has been filed against you and you learned about the lawsuit when your mailbox filled up with letters from attorneys telling you about it, you probably have not been served with the lawsuit yet.  It is important that you understand what it means to be served with a lawsuit and know what to do when it happens.  What does being “served” with a lawsuit mean? Getting served with a lawsuit, in the legal sense, means being formally notified that a lawsuit has been filed against you.  Generally, when you are served, you are considered to be on notice that the plaintiff has...

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Why hire debt collection defense lawyer

Fayette County Courthouse, Fayetteville, Georgia

Yes, you can absolutely represent yourself in a debt collection lawsuit and be successful. I did and I won. However, now that I am a trained lawyer, I look back over my case and see all of the land mines that somehow I didn't step on. The truth is, when you don't have legal experience, you don't know what you don't know. ...

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