Absolute Resolutions

Absolute Resolutions Corp is a debt buyer that has been around since 2001. They are based in Bloomington, Minnesota. Absolute Resolutions Investments is the entity that files lawsuits against consumers. In 2020, Absolute Resolutions Corporation received a PPP loan in the amount of $765,900 reporting that it employed 50 people. In 2021, it received a PPP loan in the amount of $942,571 reporting that it employed 57 people.
8000 Norman Center Dr. #350
Bloomington, MN 55437
(800) 713-0670
Absolute Resolutions Investments files lawsuits against consumers for debts it claims to have purchased from lenders, debt buyers, and other institutions such as Synchrony Bank, Citibank, WebBank, Sofi Lending, US Bank, Guaranty Bank d/b/a Best Bank, First Bank & Trust, First National Bank of Omaha, Department Stores National Bank, and others.
Between January 2019 and January 2023, Absolute Resolutions Investments filed at least 2,000 new lawsuits in Georgia. In recent years, the majority of the lawsuits filed against consumers in Georgia on behalf of Absolute Resolutions Investments are filed through debt collection law firms Stenger & Stenger, PC and Lloyd & McDaniel, PLC. Previously, Federated Law Group out of Florida was the biggest filer for ARI. On occasion, a few filed by Hayt Hayt & Landau, P.L